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A Thread of Pauses
'A Thread of Pauses', (2021) is an email autoresponder artwork. This work intends to disrupt the pervasive bureaucratic and reductive communication style of email correspondence and offers an alternative. The video autoresponder creates a space to expand upon notions of listening, connection and reflective relations. Listening as an act of intimacy and digital touch. The video considers the materiality of email communication and digital intimacies. Subverting the expectations of communication etiquette to ask:
'What can we un/learn about listening within this disembodied space?'
'What are the discontents of digital touch?'
'Where does the information within an email reside materially, and physically, between the keyboards?'

After sending an email to a specific email address, the recipient is instantly offered a video work through a reply. The narrator’s voice is spoken in German with English subtitles.

Still from 'A Thread of Pauses', 2021